Bernard Krone passes away
- Dr Bernard Krone, long-time owner of the Krone group, has died after a short, serious illness, he was 82
The group said that Dr Krone was regarded as a “visionary man of action, continuously developing the company and making ground-breaking decisions to diversify the business”.
“In addition to entering the commercial vehicle sector, he established, among other things, self-propelled technology in agricultural engineering and specialised the Krone company in forage harvesting technology,” said the company in a statement. “
“He thus shaped the corporate group over many decades, developed products and set the course before officially retiring from the operational business in 2010 and handing over the helm to his son Bernard Krone.”
His life motto was inspired by the philosopher Dante Alighieri: “One waits for the times to change, the other seizes them and acts”.