Comment – New years resolutions

Having just got back to the desk, fresh from a few quiet weeks (except for the near biblical rainfall and associated issues on the farm), and possibly a full dress size larger, its customary to consider making a few resolutions in early January.

The issue I have with resolutions is the ability (or lack thereof) to stick to them. Instead, lets have a think about the coming year and the challenges ahead.

I returned from the Oxford Farming Conference on Friday night, slightly jaded from plenty of ‘conversation’ and some excellent company, speakers and learning. For those in the know (or of a certain age) there is a tendency to discuss whether or not this years Oxford Farming Conference, or indeed conferences (As there are two) was a ‘vintage’ Oxford?

I’m not sure I’m qualified to comment, but I do tend to reflect on my learning and how it can impact on my own little world. It usually doesn’t become apparent at the outset, but as time goes by, I find elements of the programme (and my notes) stick with me.

At first read, this years theme of ‘The power of diversity’ didn’t float my boat, and yet on arrival, I enjoyed the conference greatly and the sessions and content were excellent. It just goes to show.

A few take homes for the machinery supply chain as follows:

  • Barriers to employment – how many people are fully aware of the opportunities in the business, as one speaker said “until I saw a woman farming, I didn’t think I could be a farmer.” We need to show what its like to work in the industry.
  • Develop forums – places for people to explore and identify ways to develop in the business
  • Define the career routes -“If you don’t know the sector (ie agriculture/the machinery business), the career routes are not clear”. Professor Ken Sloan from Harper Adams said.

There is little or no formal careers advice in schools, and often the default narrative in schools is around the harm farming does to the environment and climate change. To balance this, we need more positives such as LE-TEC’s excellent  #wearelandbased intitiative. 

I came home with a head full of ideas, meanwhile its finally stopped raining!

Have a good week,


PS You can watch some of the Oxford Farming Conference sessions here: