Comment – Pride, prejudice and regen sunflowers
It’s easy to get wrapped up in the big numbers which mean that the business is doing well – turnover and market share, numbers of branches, staff etc..
But scratch below the surface and different statistics do, or don’t remain, such as that hardy perennial – profit, or return on capital and debtor days. It’s often these numbers which define the long-term success of a business alongside the mettle of those running the business.
I’m reminded at this point that whilst global manufacturers are often owned by faceless corporate investors, the majority of the dealer distribution network is owned by families and individual investors, so its personal.
As inflation continues to be felt throughout farming, coupled with historically high interest rates, the supply chain has no option but to pass these costs on, which is a challenge.
Whilst there is a lot of wisdom in the old saying that ‘turnover is vanity and profit is sanity’ it’s also worth remembering that profit and turnover are good cousins too.
Closer to home, the upland fringes of the Lune Valley are looking more like Provence by the day as the sunflowers are resplendent. No-one leaves without a bunch. I’m tempted to push the old red combine through them when the time comes and then (maybe?) crush them for oil.
That or strip graze the fat lambs through them. There must be some ‘sub’ for this somewhere?
Have a good week.