New MD appointed to grow Miscanthus market opportunities

  • Miscanthus specialist, Terravesta has appointed Florian Ilias as its new managing director to grow new market opportunities and operations, as the demand for sustainable biomass increases

Florian’s role is to continue to advance the Miscanthus bioeconomy, growing market opportunities in the UK and Europe, and develop our operations to service these openings, allowing for more Miscanthus planting to meet increasing demand.

Florian has extensive experience in managing successful small and medium businesses in Europe. His focus will be on sales and market development. His fluency in English, German, French, and Italian will help Terravesta to open up new opportunities with industrial users for Miscanthus across Europe.

“The appointment will bolster Miscanthus markets and pave the way for innovations that are being successfully trialed, such as sustainable construction materials, clean energy, land remediation, and biorefining,” says Alex Robinson, operations director for Terravesta.

Commenting on his appointment, Florian maintains that Miscanthus will become a major part of the energy mix, as well as being a viable alternative to fossil-fuel-derived products, and it will contribute to mitigating climate change on a global scale.

“Terravesta is a pioneering British company with unflinching drive and vision and is paving the way for the sustainable bioeconomy,” he comments. “Terravesta’s vision and practical approach to a sustainable future are driving exciting new opportunities.”

“My job is to understand where we can achieve results and harness those opportunities,” says Florian.

“I’m enthusiastic about the team at Terravesta because they’re inspiring and they all believe in what they are doing,” adds Florian.