New President for AEA
- In his address to the association’s annual conference, Mark Earles, the newly appointed President of the Agricultural Engineers Association (AEA) discussed the importance of information and expertise, “in times which are fluid, and where our industry is seeing big changes”
- He emphasised that the knowledge and experience found within the AEA is vital for businesses and their performance.
He went on to discuss the work of the AEA, from specialist staff covering statistics, technical and market information, to working with key stakeholders and Government departments who deliver key policies which have a great impact on business. He emphasised the importance of consultation and finding amicable solutions.
He also highlighted the AEA’s key role in promoting the sector and ensuring it can attract the skilled workforce needed to work on the exciting and rapidly changing technology in machinery. The We Are Land-based Engineering campaign, launched just over a year ago, has been a “phenomenal success” and is already starting to make a difference, he said.
Mark is well-qualified to comment. Starting his career as an apprentice aircraft engineer and completing two apprenticeships, he went on to study for two degrees, one in Computer Aided Design and the other in Management, progressing to a Post Graduate Diploma in Management.
Joining Makita 29 years ago, his current role within the global power tools giant is market surveillance and business development, with responsibilities in Europe, where he chairs and vice chairs market-based and technical committees at the European Garden Machinery Federation (EGMF). His wealth of industry knowledge covers some of the most critical areas of development for the sector, including the rise of new technologies and the implications of national regulation on the global manufacturing process.
After chairing the AEA’s Outdoor Power Equipment Council for two years and its Training & Education Committee for four, Mark was elected President by fellow members of the AEA Board of Directors.
“Being asked to be President of the AEA has to be one of the proudest moments in my career. My first meeting with the AEA was in 2015 and latterly serving as chair of the Outdoor Power Equipment Council and Board member for the last 2 years has truly been a delight.”
His speech considered some of the significant issues facing the sector as a whole and he stressed how critical it is for members to engage and be involved. He cited examples of how, under his direction, Makita has been a great supporter of the We Are Land-based Engineering campaign. As President over the next 12 months, he looks forward to developing this already successful initiative even further, along with the two newly reviewed Land based Engineering apprenticeships.
He also emphasised how the AEA is working with BAGMA, presenting a more attractive offer to their members. This included securing a partnership with TROY as a Global Buying Group service provider for BAGMA, which was a great opportunity for the sector.
Mark’s insight is very clear – the world is changing, and the industry must adapt. With good information and member engagement, the AEA is right at the heart of ensuring its members can do so.
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