The Institution of Agricultural Engineers (IAgrE) backs plea for farm safety

  • From 18 to 22 July 2022 the Farm Safety Foundation – or Yellow Wellies as they are known – will hold their tenth annual Farm Safety Week, a campaign which brings together five countries over five days with one simple goal – to encourage everyone in the industry to make our farms safer places to live and work

IAgrE CEO Charlie Nicklin said: “We are proud to support the annual Farm Safety Week campaign.  A campaign that spans five countries can really draw attention to, and reduce the injury risk that farmers and farm workers face on a daily basis.  The truth is, we should all be doing our best to farm safely every day of the year not just during Farm Safety Week”.

Each year IAgrE organises a series of Student Awards one of which is the Student Safety Award.  Other awards are the Student Project Award and CNH Industrial Awards, applicants are also eligible to submit their projects for the Safety Award.

The Safety Award is to encourage and recognise innovation in safe design, safe systems of operation or processes by students in subjects relating to the application of engineering in the agricultural and associated land-based sectors.

Over the year’s students have been rewarded for innovation in areas such as machine stability, trailer braking and collision avoidance. “Designed-in safe systems seems obvious, but given the industries poor safety record engineers need to go above and beyond legislation and come up with innovative features and systems of work to promote safe practice in the industry” adds Charlie.