By Royal appointment to his Majesty King Charles III

  • JCB has been granted a Royal Warrant of Appointment from His Majesty King Charles III as manufacturers of construction and agricultural equipment

The honour was announced by the Lord Chamberlain’s Office and comes more than 40 years after JCB was granted a Royal Warrant from Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

A spokesperson commented:  “To be granted a Royal Warrant of Appointment is a huge honour for JCB and our employees. JCB has been a supplier of machinery to the Royal Household since 1982 and we are extremely proud that this long association continues with His Majesty King Charles.”

A Royal Warrant of Appointment allows JCB to use the Royal Arms in connection with its business and is granted for three years from 2025 as a mark of recognition for the ongoing manufacturing of equipment for the Royal Household.

As part of the granting of a Royal Warrant, JCB will have the right to display the appropriate Royal Arms on its products, packaging, stationery, advertising, premises and vehicles.

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