Comment – And there’s more…
This week has flown by, between magazine deadlines, a degree of informal information gathering via a distributed network (gossip via WhatsApp and phone) and the village sports, yours truly is knackered. Not to mention my ‘proper’ farming neighbours, who are all ‘at the grass’ whilst yours truly tries to remember where he put the grease gun..
Elsewhere it raised an eyebrow to find that there’s more than one Lincs based machinery distributor adding another European brand to their stable this week.. And that is gospel, we all received the press release earlier this week. Expect some interesting stands at the Cereals Event. To quote one of Agrimachinery.Trade’s anonymous contributors ‘the merry-go-round hasn’t stopped yet’.
Over in Northern Ireland as the election campaigning gets into full swing, its interesting to see that the Democratic Unionist Party has made the Irish Sea Border a ‘thing’ and its removal to fully unite, the United Kingdom.. Not Brexit again, please. See If you must.
On the other side of the other channel its interesting to see that Poland and Germany’s farmers are united in their opposition to the EU’s so called ‘green deal’.. As one Polish placard put it ‘Let Brussels eat worms’. Quite. For some slightly biased reporting on this you could try:
Meanwhile spare a thought for those poor Ukrainian farmers, it’s not getting any easier, with approximately 1/3 of the countries farmland needing de-mining. Have a look at for the full picture.
Onto more practical matters, the May 24 total for the wheelbarrow was 155mm vs 40mm in 23, 130mm in 22 and a whopping 202 mm in ‘21. A fair total, but not a record breaker yet. I may also have to revise my drought forecast.
Have a dry week.