Comment – Events, events, and weather
It’s not a great shock that CropTec ‘will take a pause and instead be co-locating with LAMMA‘ in 2026 as their website says. With arable margins under pressure and on the back of a couple of bad seasons, farmers appetite for spending feels rather curtailed. The AEA’s latest tractor registration figures show a year on year drop of 19% for October 24, and yet they are still slightly above the five year average for the time of year.
Often opinion pieces try to make connections between other sectors and farming, some more successful than others, anyway I found this piece, and as I am struggling to describe it, I suggest you read it, and see what you reckon are the parallels between big tech and ag..
Back to the usual topic, I returned from a couple of days away this week to find 27mm in the gauge. November shaped up with 114mm inn the end, way below the Nov 22 total of 200mm, almost the lowest recorded of 112 in ’21. So there almost the driest November ‘since records began’!
I’m writing this as Storm Darragh starts to blow its way across the hills on a Friday afternoon. Although the kindling has been chopped, the logs stacked and its about time to knock off for the day.
Have a good weekend, stay dry and safe.