Comment – revolving doors or the one armed bandit?

Sometimes, I just sit and think, or as Pooh Bear said ‘sometimes I just sit’.

It’s uncanny how often as you get older, you experience something, or there is a news piece where you think to yourself ‘I’ve been here before’.

This week, as I survey the latest news in the trade, I had an odd sensation whilst observing the slightly crowded place called the UK  machinery distribution channel.

I do wonder whether there is some ‘one armed bandit’ machine with on the first dial a list of companies, the second a set of roles and the third dial a list of possible employees. Now wouldn’t that be fun to play?

Anyway enough of my ramblings, I see the price of oil has ticked up slightly, which means that for 99.999999% of our customers they will be focussing on the fuel efficiency of their tractors, and for the remaining 2 UK growers with electric tractors the UK electricity price cap has just gone up anyway.. Swings and roundabouts..

There will be concerns regarding the chancellors pronouncements on the forthcoming budget, as reality begins to bite regarding the true state of the governments finances and that, for instance within DEFRA there has been a £100m underspend to the budget. That was all money ring fenced for farmers capital works, farming equipment and technology grants and SFI, which ultimately could have filtered back into the trades pockets. Interesting times.

Have a good week.
