YAMS opens the ’22 machinery show season – See you on Wednesday

Despite cancellation in ’21 and changing government guidance over the last few months YAMS is set to show the industry what they have been missing on Wednesday 2nd February.

With over 200 confirmed exhibitors and new marquee exhibition space the show promises to be a great showcase for agricultural machinery.

The organisers stated on 20th January that “The government has announced this week that the Covid 19 Plan B restrictions will end on 26th January which now means that we do not have to check everyone’s Covid passport on arrival to the show.  It will be free and easy access as usual.

It will also no longer be mandatory to wear face masks indoors although we do still recommend maintaining Covid precautions and to still consider wearing a mask indoors; ensure regular use of hand sanitiser and maintain a safe distance and avoid crowding.”

Agrimachinery.trade is delighted to once again be sponsoring the Best Indoor Stand, Best Outdoor Stand and Best Pre-show Publicity awards.

Alongside its sister publications, Tillage and Soils, Precise magazine and Agrimachinerynews.com  Agrimachinery.trade will have a stand, so do call by and say hello.

See you there!

For more info see https://www.yams.uk.com .